Helpful Time Management Performance Review Phrases

Time management performance review phrases | JOP

Time management performance review, Are you struggling to juggle tasks, prioritize them effectively, and stay focused throughout the day? Or perhaps you struggle to find the right words to assess an employee’s ability to meet deadlines, prioritize tasks, and stay organized.

That’s where the time management performance review phrases come in. This blog will provide a range of phrases to use across different performance levels, along with helpful self-evaluation questions and tips for addressing areas needing improvement.  

What are Time Management Performance Review Phrases? 

Time management performance review phrases help you evaluate an employee’s ability to plan, prioritize, and meet deadlines. Strong phrases focus on results (consistently meets deadlines), efficiency (prioritizes effectively), and organization (clear plan for achieving goals). 

Weaker phrases highlight missed deadlines, unclear priorities, or a lack of focus. Consider tailoring phrases to specific roles—for instance, punctuality might be crucial for customer service, while project managers need strong deadline management skills.

30 Ideal Time Management Performance Review Phrases

Efficient time management skills

  • You consistently deliver high-quality work on time, demonstrating excellent time management skills.
  • Your ability to prioritize tasks effectively ensures you meet deadlines and contribute significantly to the team’s success.
  • I appreciate your proactive approach in planning your workload. It allows you to stay focused and deliver results efficiently.
  • You have a knack for utilizing time-saving tools and resources, maximizing your productivity, and minimizing wasted time.
  • You consistently manage multiple projects and deadlines without compromising quality. This is a valuable asset to the team.

Requires enhancement

  • While your work is excellent, there have been instances where deadlines were missed. Let’s discuss strategies to improve time estimation and prioritization.
  • I’ve noticed you taking on more than you can realistically handle at times. It might be helpful to explore delegation opportunities to maintain a healthy workload.
  • There seems to be a disconnect between planning and execution. Let’s explore time management tools that can help bridge this gap.
  • Meetings can sometimes run long. Consider proposing agendas beforehand to keep discussions focused and on track.
  • Distractions can be a challenge for everyone. Would you be interested in exploring focus techniques to improve concentration?

Questions for self-assessment

  • How comfortable are you feeling with your current workload? Are there any areas where you feel stretched too thin?
  • Do you utilize any specific time management tools or techniques? If so, what works well for you, and what could be improved?
  • In your opinion, what are the biggest time wasters in your workday? How can we work together to minimize them?
  • How confident are you in your ability to estimate the time needed to complete tasks? Are there any situations where this could be improved?
  • Do you feel comfortable delegating tasks to others? If not, what are some challenges you face with delegation?

 Meets the requirements

  • You consistently meet deadlines for assigned tasks.
  • You effectively manage your workload and prioritize tasks appropriately.
  • You demonstrate a good understanding of time management principles.
  • Your contributions to projects are delivered on time and meet quality standards.
  • You are generally well-organized and prepared for meetings.

Goes beyond expectations

  • Your ability to manage your time effectively allows you to deliver high-quality work ahead of schedule consistently.
  • You proactively identify and mitigate potential time management risks on projects.
  • You consistently go above and beyond by taking on additional tasks and completing them efficiently.
  • You readily share your time management knowledge and tools with colleagues, promoting a culture of productivity.
  • Your exceptional time management skills significantly contribute to the success of multiple projects.

 Not acceptable

  • There have been frequent instances of missed deadlines, impacting team efficiency.
  • Your current workload seems to be overwhelming your ability to manage time effectively.
  • Disorganization and lack of planning are leading to inconsistencies in meeting deadlines.
  • Frequent distractions and multitasking are hindering your productivity.
  • There’s a need for significant improvement in time management skills to meet performance expectations.


Effective time management is a two-way street. While your feedback is essential, empower your employees to take ownership of their time management strategies. Encourage them to experiment with different tools and techniques to find what works best for them.

Need additional help crafting stellar performance reviews or developing a comprehensive time management strategy for your team? Consider partnering with our performance management consultant.

We can provide expert guidance and support to elevate your performance review process and empower your employees to thrive. 

Frequently Asked Question

1. How to talk about time management in a performance review?

When discussing time management in reviews, focus on results (meeting deadlines) and offer specific examples (missed deadlines) with suggestions for improvement (time management tools).

2. How do you write a self-evaluation on time management?

Honestly assess your ability to meet deadlines, prioritize tasks, and minimize distractions. Highlight areas of strength and identify opportunities to improve your time management skills.

3. How do you tell an employee to improve time management?

Schedule a private meeting to discuss missed deadlines or workload concerns. Offer specific suggestions (time management tools) and collaborate on solutions to improve their efficiency.

4. How to write a performance improvement plan for time management?

A time management PIP outlines missed deadlines and proposes solutions. It can include using specific tools, setting clear priorities, and scheduling regular check-ins to track progress.

5. How to give constructive feedback on time management?

Focus on the impact (missed deadlines, stress) and offer solutions (tools, delegation) in a private meeting. Frame it as a chance to help them become more efficient.

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Nishant Ahlawat

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Nishant Ahlawat is an SEO expert and Strategic Content Optimization Specialist, dedicated to making a difference in the digital landscape. With a knack for crafting personalized strategies, conducting thorough SEO audits, and optimizing content to enhance online visibility, Nishant excels in delivering real results. Read More

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