How to Set Great OKRs: 6 Ways

OKRs is the most vibrant tool of goal settings in the digital ream. OKRs are transparent, measurable, and give companies all what they need to succeed- Liberty to be ambitious with its goals.
Experts admit that OKRs should be ambitious and Inspiring but practical enough for teams to rally behind. OKRs must motivate employees to excel by doing a little more.
When they are easily measurable and quantifiable on the basis of percentage. Ex- 0 to 100% or 0 to 10, this makes them widely Transparent and easily accessible across the organization from CEO down to the Intern.
Setting OKRs helps in numerous ways, but how to set OKRs in the most effective way is what trick managers the most.
While setting OKRs, consider every employee of the company, from the very top to frontline people. Create both individual and team-wise OKRs after getting their buy-ins. Educate managers on the ins and outs of OKRs, Teach them the benefits of getting OKRs, and get committed to them. When you set OKRs that are relevant to the company’s pain points and key focused areas,it will bring ease to the adoption of the OKR framework. Besides, It is recommended to have 3-4 objectives with 3-5 key results for each objective for both a departmental level and an individual level. Any number exceeding or succeeding this objective/key-result ratio can fail your OKR implementation.